Yes! We're Open: Living Faith with Needham UCC
Rev. John MacIver Gage uses insight, humor, hard truth and amazing grace to help us make sense of our Christian faith in our daily life and vice-versa. The Congregational Church of Needham is a radically inclusive, justice-seeking Christian community, a member congregation of the United Church of Christ denominational family. Join us for worship LIVE! via Zoom Sundays @ 10am. Connection info and more at
Yes! We're Open: Living Faith with Needham UCC
You Are Light
“God’s love and kindness will shine upon us like the sun that rises in the sky” (Luke 1:78-9, CEV). A celebration more than a decade in the making! Come join us for a special worship service dedicating the new solar panel array on our sanctuary roof. This giant leap forward was made that much more possible through donations given in loving memory of Deb Baldwin, a founding member of our Environmental Ministries Team and a prophetic voice for climate action, following her death in the spring of 2023. Rev. Maddie Foster, preacher. (Matthew 5:13-16)
Join us Sundays for worship, LIVE! on-site and online via Zoom @ 10am ET. Connect at
The Congregational Church of Needham strives to be a justice-seeking, peace-making, love-affirming, LGBTQ-welcoming, radically-inclusive congregation of the United Church of Christ in Needham, MA.
Church is the practice.
Love is the point.